Sudbury Garden Club

Active Member:
If you enjoy gardening, landscape or floral design, civic beautification, contributing to our community, and trips to horticultural events, join our Club! The Club is active from September through June. (We take summers off so we can tend to our own gardens.) Annual dues for an Active Member is $50. Active members are required to make commitments to:
Serve on the Hospitality Committee once a year;
Serve on at least one other Committee;
Participate in the annual Plant Sale fundraiser; and
Provide and maintain a flower arrangement at the Goodnow Library, minimally once a year.
Associate Member:
An individual who has been an Active Member for 10 years or more, but is no longer able to fulfill the Active Membership requirements, may apply for Associate Membership status. Annual dues for Associate Members is $65.
Supporting Member:
An individual who is unable to fulfill the Active Membership requirements can opt for a Supporting Membership status. Annual dues for Supporting Members is $80.
If you have questions about membership, email our Membership Director at: sgc.membership76@gmail.com
​New Active Member:
Click HERE to download the New Membership Form. Fill it out and send it to the Membership Director.
Dues can be paid by:
Mailing a check to the Membership Director.
Clicking one of the PAY NOW buttons. (Note that there is a fee for using the online payment option.)
Active Member Dues
Whether you are a new member or renewing, you can now pay your membership dues with a credit card. We charge a $2 convenience fee.
Associate Member Dues
Associate Membership dues are $65. You can pay now, by credit card. We will charge you a $3 convenience fee.
Supporting Member Dues
Supporting Membership dues are $80. You can pay now, by credit card. We will charge you a $4 convenience fee.